What’s the need for vitamins inside our overall body?
The vital energy found in food is what we call vitamin or food life in simple words. The amount of food prana is much less than the quantity of white or love food that our body needs, but on the other hand, without the help of food prana, chickpea, white and fat food cannot function properly. Without them, our body becomes immobile.
Vitamins are divided into two categories-
Fat Soluble - Vitamins 'A', 'D', 'E' and 'K'.
Water soluble - Vitamins 'B complex', 'C'.
Vitamin ‘A’ (Vitamin A)-requirement
It helps in body growth
Due to lack of it, growth of the body is hindered in childhood and adolescence, night blindness, skin diseases, etc. are created.
This vitamin is very important for eye function.
No infectious disease can easily attack the body if vitamin A is present in the required amount.
Source of Vitamin A
This vitamin is stored in the body by mixing with body fat.
Vitamin A of the mother's body mixes with the mother's milk and provides nutrition to the children.
Vitamin A is stored in body fat and liver.
Various green vegetables - red cabbage, collard greens, fenugreek, chickpeas, spinach, cabbage, carrots.
Fruits - Ripe mangoes, papayas, jackfruits, oranges etc. contain vitamin A.
Requirement of Vitamin D (Vitamin B).
This vitamin especially helps in the work of calcium and phosphorus, the main elements of bone formation in the body.
Lack of this vitamin causes rickets.
If there is not enough vitamin D in the mother's body, the bones of the child's body cannot be formed properly, as a result, children do not stand or walk at the right time.
Vitamin D is important for that formation of teeth.
Source of Vitamin D
Vitamin D can be found in green leafy vegetables, milk and fatty foods.
Fish and animal fats and liver contain substantial amounts of vitamin D.
The yellow part of the egg contains enough vitamin D.
Sunlight is the simplest way to obtain vitamin D. Under the influence of sunlight, the oily substance of the skin is heated and turns into vitamin D.
The necessity of vitamin E
This vitamin is particularly useful within the formation of body fibers.
In the absence of this, women and men are deprived of child benefit.
Source of Vitamin E
This vitamin is present in the fat portion of all types of non-vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods.
This vitamin can be found in oranges, bananas, vegetables, etc.
The necessity of vitamin K (Vitamin K).
Vitamin K is the main helper in blood clotting when bleeding occurs in the body.
This vitamin is very necessary for childbearing and lactating mothers.
Children do not grow on time due to lack of this vitamin.
This vitamin is especially helpful in bone formation and maintenance.
Source of vitamin K
Vitamin K is present in abundance in foods such as green vegetables, tomatoes, soybeans, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach etc.
Foods like fruits and vegetables contain this vitamin.