Lose Weight with Strawberry Banana Protein Smoothie

Smoothies are an effective tool for weight loss as you have complete control over their ingredients, including less calorically dense ingredients that keep you satisfied for longer. Smoothies offer you more control than any other form of meal replacement and may provide greater nutritional benefits than most foods do!

Smoothies can help with weight loss by providing all the essential vitamins, proteins, and healthy fats in one glass without adding extra calories. A balanced smoothie should contain all these components.

These nutritious options provide an efficient and convenient way to satisfy hunger quickly. By eating them regularly, you may shed excess weight quickly.

Smoothies can be the perfect summer refreshment, helping to maintain weight control without losing your vibrancy.

A strawberry-banana diet smoothie is one such drink that can assist in weight loss. Here is its recipe:

Preparation Time:

10 minutes.

Ready In:

10 minutes

Ingredients (2 servings):

  • 1 cup frozen unsweetened Strawberries
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 2 tablespoon unsweetened whey protein powder
  • 1 medium sized frozen banana
  • Half cup orange juice


  1. Chop the strawberries and break the banana in chunks and keep them in a blender with protein powder.
  2. Now add orange juice and milk to the blender and blend it till it becomes creamy and smooth.
  3. Your smoothie is ready, serve it with a straw.

Per serving:

  • 11g Protein
  • 195 Calories
  • 129 mg Sodium
  • 34g Carbohydrate
  • 3g Fat
  • 30mg Cholesterol

Important Tip:
For an effective smoothie, the key to its success lies in using only frozen fruit. Ice can dilute the flavors, while frozen fruit locks in its own sweetness. Artificial sweeteners won’t need to be added because the natural sweetness will remain locked in.

If this method doesn’t help and you are struggling with weight loss, try Phengold tablets instead. They have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and proven effective with no side effects; use them today to shed off unwanted fat!